Btech/Mtech/MCA Projects

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Sl No.CategoryProject List
1Transportion Vehicle tracking system
  Smart Traffing Light
  Smart toll gate system
  Smart air pollution meter
  Smart driver alert system
  Face recognised car security
  Automatic car wipper start system
  Smart helmet
  Smart street light
  Intelligent Traffic management
  Vehicle tracking or transportaion monitoring 
  Enhance Security of the public Transportation
  smart car parking system
  Smart umbrella system using Raspberry Pi
2Smart CitySmart parking
  Smart Dustbin
  Smart Traffick Light
  Smart Weather Station using IoT
  Air pollution Meter using IoT
  Smart street light
  Mo safei vehicle tracking system
  Smart water management system
  Pre-paid energy meter
  Smart park automation
  Smart colony
  Smart waste management system for Smart City
  Smart Garage Door
  Smart Cup Coaster
3Healthcare Smart cardel system
  Heart attack alert and sms system
  Patient Data Management using IoT and RFID tag
   Patient remote control load automation
  Depression or mood monitoring
  Smart patient health monitoring system
  Hand hygiene monitoring
  Baby monitoring system Using Raspberry Pi
  Heart-rate monitoring system
  Automated paralysis patient Healthcare system
  Low – cost ECG monitoring system
4Smart FarmingSmart  Irrigation system
  Soil testing Robot
  Intelligent disease detection system
  Smart pesticide sprikle system
  Smart Green house parameter contol
  Hydroponic system using IoT
  fish farming automation using IoT
  Intelligent soil nutrition check and suitable crop
  Soil moisture monitoring device
  Greenhouse monitoring and control system
  Weather reporting system 
  Advanced IoT Based Fertilizer irrigation System using RPi
  Temperature and Light monitoring and controlling
  smart plant monitoring system
  watertank overflow alarm circuit sensor based 
  Automated Horticulture system for Farmers
5IndustrialAndroid control Robotic ARM
  Automatic Bottle Counting and data logging to Cloud
  Automation Bottle filling system and cloud connection
  Industrial Water quality check using IoT
  Industrial Environment  Air quality Monitor
  Industrial sensors monitoring system
  Industrial Automation model using IoT 
  Industrial IoT based Robotic Arm
  Industrial Safety system using Arduino
  IoT Based Smart factory 4.0 over the Cloud
  Mining Worker Safety Helmet 
6DomesticHome Automation using Bluetooth technology
  Home automation using IoT and AI assistant
  Smart Apartment
  Smart water management
  Smart kitchen
  Fire alarm System
  LPG Gas lekeage detection and sms system
  Parking Gate Automation LPR method
  Smart Door Security using otp and keypad 
  Smart pet survillance
  Smart energy meter
  IoT Based Smart Bed rest patient care
  Smart kitchen Gardening
   Humidity and Temperature monitoring
  DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
7Smart VillageSmart street light
  Smart solar based irrigation system
  Smart complain box
  Smart agriculture land automation and SMS system
  Intelligent Crop Selection
  Intelligent irrigation and pesticite control sessionwise
  Smart water management to household feed
  Tank water monitoing system
  Remote plant monitoring
  System for Rural Development
  Smart service Delivery
  Smart school
8ElectricitySmart Grid
 managementSmart solar system 
  Dual axis Solar tracking system
  Over voltage Protection system
  Prepaid energy meter
  IoT based circuit breaker system
  IoT based circuit breaker system
  Under ground cable Fault detection and sys using IoT
  AC fan Speed Control using IoT
  DC motor Control and Temperature tracking
  IoT BASED triac Driver
  Electricity bill management system
  E- Bicycle Locking system
  Automatic smoke Detector Alarm
  E-Bike speed controler system
  Accurate Room Temperature  controler
  controling Solar Energy solar power
  Configurable Password Security System
  Footstep power Generation System
  Tranmission line monitoring system using Raspberry Pi
9          AI\mlgesture based load automation
  Face Recognition base door locking system
  Traffic Prediction
  Age Detection model
  Real time face mask Detector
  Document Extraction using FormNet
  Building a Telegram Bot
  Fuel Efficiency Prediction
  Earthquake prediction model
  filter the content and identify spam
  Customer Recommendation
  Predict Housing price
  CV Analysis
  Automated Attendance System
  Number plate Recogination system
  Voice-based Virtual Assistant
  Face Recognition and Detection
  Weather Prediction
  person counting using ML
  Face recogination based attendance system
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