Diploma Project
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1 | Bluetooth Control Robot |
2 | DC motor Speed Control |
3 | fir and Gas Accident safety |
4 | single axis Solar tracking |
5 | car parking system |
6 | automatic streetlight system |
7 | obstracl avoiding robot |
8 | TV remote control robot |
9 | RF remote cotrol robot |
10 | Robotic Hand bluetooth control |
11 | air quality monitoring |
12 | Ultrasonic Radar |
13 | Alcohol detecting machine |
14 | Weather station |
15 | Heart attack detection |
16 | Dustbin garbage status |
17 | keypad based door locking system |
18 | fingerprint based door locking system |
19 | car theft alram |
20 | Security based strong room |
21 | door calling bell |
22 | digital watch |
23 | GSM based Door security |
24 | LPG gas leakge alert |
25 | PC based Home automation |
26 | bluetooth based home automation |
27 | water level controller using ultrasonic sensor |
28 | touch free control led brightness |
29 | metal detecting Robot |
30 | automatic railway gate control |
31 | fire Fighter Robot |
32 | automatic blind stick |
33 | automatic wheel chair |
34 | Bike security anti theft Project |
35 | Agriculture robot |
36 | Automatic Irrigation system |
37 | Temperature controlled Fan speed |
38 | Microcontroller based Line Follower Robot |
39 | keypad password based bike ignition |
40 | Gesture Control Robot |
41 | Electronics Voting Machine |
42 | Automatic car parking System |
43 | RFID based Device Control and Authentication |
44 | RFid Based Security System |
45 | Detection of Overheat Machine by Alert |
46 | Barcode Decoder using Microcontroller |
47 | Solar charge station |
48 | EV Cycle |
49 | EV bike |
50 | EV autorikshaw |
51 | Footstep Power generation |
52 | Bottel Counting Machine |
53 | Bottel filling Machine |
54 | automation conver assembel line |
55 | DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener |
56 | Rain Detector |
57 | RFID Door Lock |
58 | Automatic Elevetor by overload Aleart |
59 | Automatic door opening based on motion |
60 | TV remote based controlling of Dish position |
61 | Vehicle detection through street light |
62 | Cellular voting machine based on microcontroller |
63 | Smooth start of a single- phase induction motor |
64 | Over voltage-Under voltage protection |
65 | Wireless power transfer in 3D space |
66 | Line follower Robot using microcontroller |
67 | Rader data Acquisition system |
68 | DTMF based Home automation system |
69 | Function generator based on Frequence counter |
70 | Self- switching power supply |
71 | LED Based automatic emergency light |
72 | Electronic soft star for 3-phase Induction motor |
73 | High voltage DC by Marx Generator principle |
74 | Wireless power transfer |
75 | Solar power charge controller |
76 | Four Quadrant DC motor control without microcontroller |
77 | Time Delay based Relay operated Load |
78 | Touch controlled Load switch |
79 | Over voltage-Under voltage Tripping machine |
80 | Mains operated LED Light |
81 | Phase sequence checker for Three-phase supply |
82 | Induction motor protection system |
83 | Password-Based Circuit Breaker |
84 | DTMF-Based Load control system |
85 | ACPWM Control for Induction motor |
86 | Industrial Temprature controller |
87 | Ultra-Fast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker |
88 | Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator |
89 | BLDC Motor speed control with RPM display |
90 | Predefined speed control of BLDC Motor |
91 | Dish Positioning control by IR remote |
92 | Solar powered Auto-Irrigation System |
93 | PC based Electrical Load control |
94 | Power saver for Industries & commercial Establishment |
95 | Optimum Energy management system |
96 | Programmable Energy meter for Electrical Load survey |
97 | Speed control unit Designed for a DC Motor |
98 | Power Harvesting for smart Sensor Netwoks |
99 | Embedded based Auto Lift |
100 | Power failuer indicator |
101 | Telephone Router |
102 | Train accident alert |
103 | Frequency Counter |
104 | Packet Analyzer |
105 | Wireless Load controller By GSM |
106 | Cordless power controller |
107 | GSM Petrol Reader system |
108 | Voting machine |
109 | Human area networking |
110 | Automatic Energy management system |