Diploma Project

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1Bluetooth Control Robot
2DC motor Speed Control 
3fir and Gas Accident safety 
4single axis Solar tracking
5car parking system
6automatic streetlight system
7obstracl avoiding robot
8TV remote control robot
9RF remote cotrol robot
10Robotic Hand bluetooth control
11air quality monitoring
12Ultrasonic Radar
13Alcohol detecting machine
14Weather station 
15Heart attack detection
16Dustbin garbage status
17keypad based door locking system
18fingerprint based door locking system
19car theft alram 
20Security based strong room
21door calling bell
22digital watch 
23GSM based Door security
24LPG gas leakge alert
25PC based Home automation
26bluetooth based home automation
27water level controller using ultrasonic sensor
28touch free control led brightness
29metal detecting Robot
30automatic railway gate control 
31fire Fighter Robot
32automatic blind stick
33automatic wheel chair
34Bike security anti theft Project
35Agriculture robot
36Automatic Irrigation system 
37Temperature controlled Fan speed
38Microcontroller based Line Follower Robot
39keypad password based  bike ignition
40Gesture Control Robot
41Electronics Voting Machine
42Automatic car parking System
43RFID based Device Control and Authentication
44RFid Based Security System
45Detection of Overheat Machine by Alert
46Barcode Decoder using Microcontroller
47Solar charge station
48EV Cycle
49EV bike
50EV autorikshaw
51Footstep Power generation
52Bottel Counting Machine
53Bottel filling Machine
54automation conver assembel line
55DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
56Rain Detector
57RFID Door Lock
58Automatic Elevetor by overload Aleart
59Automatic door opening based on motion
60TV remote based controlling of Dish position 
61Vehicle detection through street light
62Cellular voting machine based on microcontroller
63Smooth start of a single- phase induction motor
64Over voltage-Under voltage protection
65Wireless power transfer in 3D space
66Line follower Robot using microcontroller
67Rader data Acquisition system
68DTMF based Home automation system
69Function generator based on Frequence counter
70Self- switching power supply
71LED Based automatic emergency light
72Electronic soft star for 3-phase Induction motor
73High voltage DC by Marx Generator principle
74Wireless power transfer 
75Solar power charge controller
76Four Quadrant DC motor control without microcontroller
77Time Delay based Relay operated Load
78Touch controlled Load switch
79Over voltage-Under voltage Tripping machine
80Mains operated LED Light
81Phase sequence checker for Three-phase supply
82Induction motor protection system
83Password-Based Circuit Breaker
84DTMF-Based Load control system  
85ACPWM Control for Induction motor
86Industrial Temprature controller
87Ultra-Fast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker  
88Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator
89BLDC Motor speed control with RPM display
90Predefined speed control of BLDC Motor
91Dish Positioning control by IR remote
92Solar powered Auto-Irrigation System  
93PC based Electrical Load control 
94Power saver for Industries & commercial Establishment
95Optimum Energy management system
96Programmable Energy meter for Electrical  Load survey
97Speed control unit Designed for a DC Motor
98Power Harvesting for smart Sensor Netwoks 
99Embedded based Auto Lift
100Power failuer indicator
101Telephone Router
102Train accident alert
103Frequency Counter
104Packet Analyzer
105Wireless Load controller By GSM
106Cordless power controller
107GSM Petrol Reader system
108Voting machine
109Human area networking
110Automatic Energy management system
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