Our Projects

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1Bluetooth Control Robot
2DC motor Speed Control 
3fir and Gas Accident safety 
4single axis Solar tracking
5car parking system
6automatic streetlight system
7obstracl avoiding robot
8TV remote control robot
9RF remote cotrol robot
10Robotic Hand bluetooth control
11air quality monitoring
12Ultrasonic Radar
13Alcohol detecting machine
14Weather station 
15Heart attack detection
16Dustbin garbage status
17keypad based door locking system
18fingerprint based door locking system
19car theft alram 
20Security based strong room
21door calling bell
22digital watch 
23GSM based Door security
24LPG gas leakge alert
25PC based Home automation
26bluetooth based home automation
27water level controller using ultrasonic sensor
28touch free control led brightness
29metal detecting Robot
30automatic railway gate control 
31fire Fighter Robot
32automatic blind stick
33automatic wheel chair
34Bike security anti theft Project
35Agriculture robot
36Automatic Irrigation system 
37Temperature controlled Fan speed
38Microcontroller based Line Follower Robot
39keypad password based  bike ignition
40Gesture Control Robot
41Electronics Voting Machine
42Automatic car parking System
43RFID based Device Control and Authentication
44RFid Based Security System
45Detection of Overheat Machine by Alert
46Barcode Decoder using Microcontroller
47Solar charge station
48EV Cycle
49EV bike
50EV autorikshaw
51Footstep Power generation
52Bottel Counting Machine
53Bottel filling Machine
54automation conver assembel line
55DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
56Rain Detector
57RFID Door Lock
58Automatic Elevetor by overload Aleart
59Automatic door opening based on motion
60TV remote based controlling of Dish position 
61Vehicle detection through street light
62Cellular voting machine based on microcontroller
63Smooth start of a single- phase induction motor
64Over voltage-Under voltage protection
65Wireless power transfer in 3D space
66Line follower Robot using microcontroller
67Rader data Acquisition system
68DTMF based Home automation system
69Function generator based on Frequence counter
70Self- switching power supply
71LED Based automatic emergency light
72Electronic soft star for 3-phase Induction motor
73High voltage DC by Marx Generator principle
74Wireless power transfer 
75Solar power charge controller
76Four Quadrant DC motor control without microcontroller
77Time Delay based Relay operated Load
78Touch controlled Load switch
79Over voltage-Under voltage Tripping machine
80Mains operated LED Light
81Phase sequence checker for Three-phase supply
82Induction motor protection system
83Password-Based Circuit Breaker
84DTMF-Based Load control system  
85ACPWM Control for Induction motor
86Industrial Temprature controller
87Ultra-Fast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker  
88Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator
89BLDC Motor speed control with RPM display
90Predefined speed control of BLDC Motor
91Dish Positioning control by IR remote
92Solar powered Auto-Irrigation System  
93PC based Electrical Load control 
94Power saver for Industries & commercial Establishment
95Optimum Energy management system
96Programmable Energy meter for Electrical  Load survey
97Speed control unit Designed for a DC Motor
98Power Harvesting for smart Sensor Netwoks 
99Embedded based Auto Lift
100Power failuer indicator
101Telephone Router
102Train accident alert
103Frequency Counter
104Packet Analyzer
105Wireless Load controller By GSM
106Cordless power controller
107GSM Petrol Reader system
108Voting machine
109Human area networking
110Automatic Energy management system
Sl No.CategoryProject List
1Transportion Vehicle tracking system
  Smart Traffing Light
  Smart toll gate system
  Smart air pollution meter
  Smart driver alert system
  Face recognised car security
  Automatic car wipper start system
  Smart helmet
  Smart street light
  Intelligent Traffic management
  Vehicle tracking or transportaion monitoring 
  Enhance Security of the public Transportation
  smart car parking system
  Smart umbrella system using Raspberry Pi
2Smart CitySmart parking
  Smart Dustbin
  Smart Traffick Light
  Smart Weather Station using IoT
  Air pollution Meter using IoT
  Smart street light
  Mo safei vehicle tracking system
  Smart water management system
  Pre-paid energy meter
  Smart park automation
  Smart colony
  Smart waste management system for Smart City
  Smart Garage Door
  Smart Cup Coaster
3Healthcare Smart cardel system
  Heart attack alert and sms system
  Patient Data Management using IoT and RFID tag
   Patient remote control load automation
  Depression or mood monitoring
  Smart patient health monitoring system
  Hand hygiene monitoring
  Baby monitoring system Using Raspberry Pi
  Heart-rate monitoring system
  Automated paralysis patient Healthcare system
  Low – cost ECG monitoring system
4Smart FarmingSmart  Irrigation system
  Soil testing Robot
  Intelligent disease detection system
  Smart pesticide sprikle system
  Smart Green house parameter contol
  Hydroponic system using IoT
  fish farming automation using IoT
  Intelligent soil nutrition check and suitable crop
  Soil moisture monitoring device
  Greenhouse monitoring and control system
  Weather reporting system 
  Advanced IoT Based Fertilizer irrigation System using RPi
  Temperature and Light monitoring and controlling
  smart plant monitoring system
  watertank overflow alarm circuit sensor based 
  Automated Horticulture system for Farmers
5IndustrialAndroid control Robotic ARM
  Automatic Bottle Counting and data logging to Cloud
  Automation Bottle filling system and cloud connection
  Industrial Water quality check using IoT
  Industrial Environment  Air quality Monitor
  Industrial sensors monitoring system
  Industrial Automation model using IoT 
  Industrial IoT based Robotic Arm
  Industrial Safety system using Arduino
  IoT Based Smart factory 4.0 over the Cloud
  Mining Worker Safety Helmet 
6DomesticHome Automation using Bluetooth technology
  Home automation using IoT and AI assistant
  Smart Apartment
  Smart water management
  Smart kitchen
  Fire alarm System
  LPG Gas lekeage detection and sms system
  Parking Gate Automation LPR method
  Smart Door Security using otp and keypad 
  Smart pet survillance
  Smart energy meter
  IoT Based Smart Bed rest patient care
  Smart kitchen Gardening
   Humidity and Temperature monitoring
  DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
7Smart VillageSmart street light
  Smart solar based irrigation system
  Smart complain box
  Smart agriculture land automation and SMS system
  Intelligent Crop Selection
  Intelligent irrigation and pesticite control sessionwise
  Smart water management to household feed
  Tank water monitoing system
  Remote plant monitoring
  System for Rural Development
  Smart service Delivery
  Smart school
8ElectricitySmart Grid
 managementSmart solar system 
  Dual axis Solar tracking system
  Over voltage Protection system
  Prepaid energy meter
  IoT based circuit breaker system
  IoT based circuit breaker system
  Under ground cable Fault detection and sys using IoT
  AC fan Speed Control using IoT
  DC motor Control and Temperature tracking
  IoT BASED triac Driver
  Electricity bill management system
  E- Bicycle Locking system
  Automatic smoke Detector Alarm
  E-Bike speed controler system
  Accurate Room Temperature  controler
  controling Solar Energy solar power
  Configurable Password Security System
  Footstep power Generation System
  Tranmission line monitoring system using Raspberry Pi
9          AI\mlgesture based load automation
  Face Recognition base door locking system
  Traffic Prediction
  Age Detection model
  Real time face mask Detector
  Document Extraction using FormNet
  Building a Telegram Bot
  Fuel Efficiency Prediction
  Earthquake prediction model
  filter the content and identify spam
  Customer Recommendation
  Predict Housing price
  CV Analysis
  Automated Attendance System
  Number plate Recogination system
  Voice-based Virtual Assistant
  Face Recognition and Detection
  Weather Prediction
  person counting using ML
  Face recogination based attendance system
Sl No.Project List
1EV Gulf Cart
2Solar Street Light
3Smart Water fountain
4Solar Charing Station
5Smart Wind mill 
6Hydroponic System
7Agriculture robot for soil testing
8EV Cycle
9EV Bike
10Air polution Meter
11School bus Tracking System
12smart school bell system
13smart notice board 
14Smart Mirror
15Smart Irrigation
16Smart Fishery system
17Smart chicken Farming system
18Smart strong room system
19Smart lab Automation
20Intellegent weather reporting Station
21Intellegent load automation
22Face Recognition Attendance
23Traffic sign Recognition system
24Solar power bank with wireless charging 
25Music Recommendation 
26Contactless Switch
27Protecting Induction motor for phase and Tempereture
28Dual-Axis solar Tracking system with weather sensor
29EV BMS with charge monitor and fire protection system 
30Induction motor controller and protection system
31Ebike speed controller system using stm32
32Smart vehicle Headlight Auto switching and Intensity control
33Contactless switch for 4 load switching 
34IoT based Anti-theft flooring system using Rpi
35Solar wireless electric vehicle charging system
36AC to High voltage DC using voltage multipier circuit
37DIY wearable oscilloscope smart watch
38Smart shopping Trolley Robot that follows customer
39Solar speed sprayer Robot
40DIY Arduino Ultraviolet Covid Dis-infection Box
41Indor Hydrophonic plant Grow POT
42Contactless IoT Doorbell
43DIY Low-cost ventilator
44GPS Tracking Blind stick
45Digital school bell with Timetable display
46Gesture Controlled Bluetooth speaker using Arduino
47Avoid flooding Alert
48Smart Breaker with Zebra Crossing
49Laser Security Alarm for House 
50Phone control Humanoid Robot
51Smart bridge
52Landmine Detector Robotic vehicle
53Arduino Auto Billing shopping trolley
54IoT based Anti-theft flooring Mat
55RC Delivery Robot with Theft Detection
56Laser Security Alarm forDoor
57Laser security Alarm for Animals
58Underground human detecting using vibration sensors
59Footstep Energy generation
60Closed Loop control of BLDC motor
61Electrical Fault detection in overhead lines
62Train accident prevention project
63Automatic Room lights using Arduino and PIR sensor
64Automated Smoking zone monitoring & Alerting
65Plant moisture monitoring system
66Sound operated Timer
67Electronic water level controler device
68Lamp Illumination control with precision
69Digitally controlled Home Automation 
School project
       Sl no.                                         Advance  Project list.
1Single Axis solar tracking system
2Solar power base drip irrigation system
3Wind power generation
4Water pollution working system
5Eco friendly energy sources working mode based on renewable resources
6Robotic Arm
7Laser security Alarm
8Automatic Rail gate automation
9Smoke gas detection & Alert system
10Alcohol detection system
11High power electricity generator by plastic,garbage 
12Wi-Fi talking robot
13Hydroponics farming working model
14Acid rain working model
15Nuclear power plant model
16Volcano Eruption project
17Agriculture Robot
18Vaccm cleaner 
19Automatic Drainage cleaner
20Gas leakage Alarm
21Carbon purification for industries
22Waste water treatment plant
23Water alarm
24Rain water harvesting
25Free energy water pump
26Automatic hand wash machine
27Automatic hand sanitizer dispenser
28Simple clap switch
29Automatic water tap
30Hydroelectric Dam model
31Road accident prevention system
32Smart parking
33Voice control Humanoid  robot
34Smart street light
35Smart city
36Waste water treatment plant
37Generation electricity from waste material
38 Global warming climate change green house effect
39Smart irrigation
40Earthquake Alarm 
41Smart traffic light
42Making a cloud in a bottle
43Smart colony
44Water fountain with plastic bottle
45Smart plant monitoring
46Windmill working model
47Smoke Absorber machine
48Save Earth working model
49Respiratory system
50Fire fighter robot
51Automatic power saving solar panel
52Path following robot
53Wireless electric transmission 
54Metal detecting Robot
55Smart alarm clock
56Water alarm clock  
57Rain alarm 
58Air quality monitoring
59Scotch yoke mechanism
60Electric generator model
61Solar powered water heater
62Conveyor belt project
63mining worker safety helmet
64Automatic solar tracker
65fire alarm alert  system
66Automatic smart street light
67Humidity and temperature monitoring
68Smart kitchen gardening
69Smart school
70footstep power generation system


Basic school project list
1Simple clap switch


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